SD #08: Image Compression Sounds Boring Until Loadtimes Speed Up
Aug 22, 2022
Read Time: 6.0 minutes
Date: August 15, 2022
Of all the people surveyed, half said they’d be willing to give up animation and video for faster load times.
— Unbounce | 2019 Survey
As you know, awesome images can make your website and landing pages pop!
But, those lovely images may all be for naught, if the person going to your site never sees them due to slow load times.
Hear that high-pitched "zurrrp" sound? Yep, that's the gal or guy "moving on to the next" because they have better things to do than wait around for your site to load.
That's why you need to put a pin in that image bloat and rev up the speed - bringing those gorgeous pics that you so thoughtfully selected to your web guest's eyes!
What’s the Tip?
Squoosh those images so that more people see them!
You can reduce image file sizes quickly and easily up to 95% without sacrificing quality. We've chosen an APP called Squoosh to do this. It's FREE and fast! We have no relationship with them, we just want to pass along our good experience to you.
How Do You Use It?
Today we launched a new on-demand course called "Stress-Free Storytelling for Solopreneurs!" We've been working on it for a few months, and image selection was part of the process. We wanted a tropical Zen theme to go along with the stress-free vibe, and it was pretty fun culling through lovely photos of tranquil waters and beach side retreats. But our course platform of choice has file size requirements (as it should) to maximize end-user experience. We wanted that too! So, we chose a tool called Squoosh. Because it's FREE, fast and easy, we wanted to share it with you. We'll walk you through it in this video:
What are Some Examples?
Here are two comparison photos that show how quality is not sacrificed as a result of image reduction. The before is the image as a PNG and the after is of the same image reduced by 95%.
What’s the Benefit to You?
Here are just a few of the benefits reducing image size:
- Lower bounce rates
- Higher conversion rates
- Saves space on your hard drive
- Faster upload times in social media
- Better ranking on Google
- No noticeable loss in resolution