SD #31: Write Like Nobody Wants Your Stuff!
Feb 26, 2023
Read Time: 6.0 minutes
People will do anything for those who encourage their dreams, justify their failures, allay their fears, confirm their suspicions, and help them throw rocks at their enemies.
— Blair Warren
When working on your business messaging, do you create content based on why someone should buy your product or service, or do you create content based on why they wouldn't want to buy your product or service? We say time and time again that storytelling is about putting your audience first. And chances are, your audience is NOT saying, "Yes, please take my money!" as soon as they meet you (unless maybe you're selling Girl Scout cookies).
It requires a different mindset to be audience focused vs brand focused. But there is a simple formula you can follow to get there. And with a little practice, it will come with ease.
What’s the Tip?
The tip is this: Craft your messaging with your audience's objection in mind. Write something based on why they wouldn't want to buy from you instead of why they should buy from you.
How Do You Use It?
Step 1: Put yourself in your audience's shoes. Literally pretend to be your prospect and write out an objection to your product or offer. As an example, let's say you're selling steak knives (why not?).
Audience objection: "No thanks. I already have steak knives".
Step 2: Acknowledge the audience and write something in response to their objection.
Your response: "Yes, many people do (own steak knives), because let's face it - a butter knife just doesn't get the job done when it comes to thicker cuts of beef".
Step 3: Give them a reason to doubt their current steak knives.
Reason to doubt: "But many people find that after just a couple of years their steak knives aren't as sharp as they originally were - and they miss that slices through like warm butter feeling".
Step 4: State why your product could replace their current experience with a better one.
Transformation: "The steak knives I offer have a lifetime guarantee that they will stay as sharp as the first time you use them".
What is an Example?
Now that you've written out your audience's anticipated objection and responded to it - you're ready to write some good copy! Let's take what you wrote above and put it into a story. To do that, we'll apply one of the three StoryHacks that we teach, called "And-But-Therefore".
AND (the current state of things): "Just about everyone owns steak knives, because butter knives don't always get the job done.
BUT (the turn or problem): But after a couple of years, those knives tend to dull a bit, and people miss that feeling of slicing through a filet mignon like cutting through warm butter.
THEREFORE (the resolution): That's why I offer steak knives that are guaranteed to stay as sharp as the first time you use them - not for just a couple of years - but for a lifetime".
Of course, you then follow up with your call to action.
What Are the Benefits to You?
The benefit of crafting your messaging around anticipated objections is that your copy "beats your audience to the punch of saying, "no" - and shows them why they should say "yes"! As the quote alludes to above, your audience will do anything for those who take away their problem.
We hope this issue has been helpful. We look forward to seeing you soon!